IPMU Tokyo


During my visit to IPMU in Tokyo, Japan I presented my ongoing work on weak lensing masses for 100 clusters and the scaling relations with baryonic observables.

abstract In principle weak lensing can produce unbiased mass estimates of galaxy clusters, which are used in cosmological analyses and comparisons to other mass estimates used to further understand cluster physics. However, in practice, weak lensing is a difficult method that suffers from large statistical uncertainties. In our work we have performed a weak lensing analysis on excellent quality, deep optical imaging for a sample of 100 clusters spanning a large range in masses and redshift, making it ideal for scaling relations with other mass probes. All sources of systematics are carefully treated. Issues with the source redshift distribution are handled using ancillary optical data and state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations were consulted to estimate the robustness of the mass estimates. We compare our masses to re-extracted measurements of the Planck observations and available gas mass estimates.

PDF of the presentation